The Three Basic Rules of Safety Hygiene
Ask not what you can do with
; ask whatunsafe
can do for you.
On the Rust subreddit, I often see beginners get tripped up on unsafe
, posing questions like “What can I do in unsafe
?” and “When do I need unsafe
?”. These are useful questions — but not enough to really understand (un)safety. The former defies a simple, evergreen answer — as Rust’s operational semantics are refined, so too are what you can and cannot achieve with unsafe
code. The latter begets teleological answers; you need unsafe when the sum of Rust’s tooling requires you use unsafe
. These answers are not particularly helpful for understanding how to write maintainable unsafe code, nor for informing how Rust’s safety tooling might be improved. They miss the forest for the trees; they mistake the implementation for the idiom.
Let’s take a step back. Just as Rust’s borrow checker is the tooling that supports the idiom of ownership and aliasing xor mutability, the sum of Rust’s safety tooling — a basket of keywords, well-formedness checks, and lints — is, too, the expression of a deeper idiom. In this essay, I give this idiom a name — safety hygiene — and argue that it’s underpinned by three basic principles. In doing so, we gain a lens for understanding Rust’s myriad safety tools, opportunities for improvement, and its greatest flamewars.