A Gentle Introduction to Transmutation Stability

What’s up with transmutation stability?

Imagine a trait “TransmuteFrom” that is implemented by the compiler for all types Src and Dst if the bits of Src are reinterpretable as Dst.

Such a trait would be unusual in two respects:

  • The type system is reasoning about in-memory layouts. Type systems don’t typically worry about such things.
  • You don’t ask for this trait to be implemented for your types.

In this post, we’ll focus on that second point of weirdness. Most traits are implemented by request. If an implementation of a trait exists for a type, it’s usually because somebody, somewhere has typed the keyword impl.

But not in this case: whether our TransmuteFrom trait is implemented for a Src and Dst depends solely on the safety of that conversion—not because impl was written somewhere.

With traits that are manually implemented, you can trust that an impl you are relying on won’t simply vanish. In other words, trait implementations are stable. Unfortunately, that won’t be the case with our transmutation trait, because some of the factors which would affect transmutability are not covered by the existing stability rules.

For instance, let’s say a crate defines:

pub struct Foo {
  pub bar: u8,
  pub baz: u16,

The current stability rules permit this crate’s author to reverse the definition order of the bar and baz fields in a minor version release, without breaking stability.

Yet doing this could affect transmutability. The previous definition of Foo is TransmuteFrom the type Fizz:

#[repr(C)] pub struct Fizz(i8, i16);

…but it won’t be if the ordering of Foo’s fields is reversed (since that would expose a padding byte as initialized memory).

Why should the compiler automatically conjure up trait implementations, anyways!?

The stability weirdness created by automatic trait implementations isn’t unprecedented: Rust’s auto traits (e.g., Send and Sync) are prone to similar surprises.

These auto traits follow the usual stability rules: it is a breaking change to modify one’s type in a way that would remove an impl of these traits. Unfortunately, type authors must be very careful to not change their types in seemingly-harmless ways (e.g., the type of a private field) that would nonetheless impact the implementation of these traits. Because type authors do not every impl these traits manually, they may be unaware that they even exist! Additionally, implementations of these traits are sometimes created even when a type’s author would wish otherwise. Rust therefore provides a mechanism to explicitly un-implement these traits.

Given the hazards imposed by auto traits, it’s reasonable to ask:

  • Do we really need the compiler to conjure up implementations?
  • If so, couldn’t we re-use the opt-out mechanism of auto traits?

Alternatives in which the compiler does not conjur up trait implementations automatically indeed do not suffer from this weirdness. In the approach taken by the FromBits pre-RFC, Foo’s author would simply declare that Fizz is transmutable into a type Foo by writing a normal impl:

impl FromBits<Fizz> for Foo {};

Having provided this impl, removing it would be considered a breaking change according to the established rules of stability. In other words: no stability weirdness here! Yet, treating transmutability as a normal trait comes at a steep cost: Foo’s author must foresee and write an impl of FromBits for Foofor every source type from which Foo should be reinterpretable.

This degree of manual labor isn’t satisfactory. Our RFC and prior art address this issue by having the compiler automatically infer implementations of a transmutability trait on-the-fly.

The existing opt-out mechanism of auto traits is a poor fit for addressing the stability weirdness imposed by our transmutability trait. Unlike the auto traits, our TransmuteFrom trait has an additional Src type parameter. An opt-out mechanism merely inverts the problem of FromBits: the end-user would have to opt out of every transmutation they wished to prevent. This isn’t practical.

Besides, it’s questionable whether the opt-out mechanism of auto traits actually reduces their stability hazards. Unless a type’s author is exceptionally proactive, the ability to opt-out of auto traits really just provides a way to clean up issues after they’re noticed.

Fortunately, whereas safe transmutation prior art basically ignores the hazard this stability weirdness poses, our RFC neutralizes it almost completely.

Mitigating the Stability Weirdness

The Safer Transmute RFC neutralizes this stability weirdness in two ways.

Make the Weirdness Obvious

First, we make this weirdness unmissable. Our transmutation trait only behaves unstably if you write the words NeglectStability, like this:

    Dst: TransmuteFrom<Src, NeglectStability>

(You could also imagine achieving this by naming our transmutation trait something stark like UnstableTransmuteFrom. However, our TransmuteFrom trait is going to have an extra parameter for neglecting static checks anyways, so we simply use it to indicate that stability is being neglected.)

Make the Weirdness Opt-In

Second, we make this weirdness opt-in. Whereas this:

    Dst: TransmuteFrom<Src, NeglectStability>

doesn’t follow the usual rules of trait implementation of stability, writing this will:

    Dst: TransmuteFrom<Src>

By default, TransmuteFrom is only implemented for Src and Dst if it sound, safe and stable. Neglecting any of any of these requires passing an additional type parameter to TransmuteFrom. If you don’t NeglectStability, then TransmuteFrom follows the all of the usual rules of trait stability.

But how? We achieve this without any additional specialized compiler machinery, and without introducing any new stability rules. Instead, we introduce two regular traits which are implemented manually to signal that impls of TransmuteFrom on a type adhere to the usual trait stability rules.

My next blog post will provide a gentle introduction to exactly how this is accomplished!

Email comments and corrections to jack@wrenn.fyi.