Private Methods on a Public Trait

In Rust, the methods of a trait inherit the visibility of the trait itself:

pub trait Foo<Arg> {

    pub(self) fn foo(&self, arg: Arg);

    /* other public methods */

error[E0449]: unnecessary visibility qualifier
 --> src/
7 |   pub(self) fn foo(&self, arg: Arg);
  |   ^^^^^^^^^

At minimum, we should hide this method from our documentation:

pub trait Foo<Arg> {

    fn foo(&self, arg: Arg);

    /* other public methods */


…but this doesn’t actually prevent outsiders from calling our method! Fortunately, there are at least three other patterns #[doc(hidden)] can be combined with to make foo externally unusable.

The first two approaches are well-established in the Rust community, but the third might be relatively novel.

Approach 1: Private Super-Trait

Since the methods of a trait inherit the visibility of the trait itself, we can simply place our private methods in a private trait! We then make this private trait a super-trait of our public trait:

pub(crate) mod private {

    pub trait FooPrivate<Arg> {
        fn foo(&self, arg: Arg);


pub trait Foo<Arg>: private::FooPrivate<Arg> {

    /* other public methods */


But wait: FooPrivate is marked pub! And what’s with this new private module? Well, Rust usually forbids embedding a private type in a public type signature:

pub(crate) trait FooPrivate<Arg> {
    fn foo(&self, arg: Arg);

pub trait Foo<Arg>: FooPrivate<Arg> {

error[E0445]: crate-visible trait `FooPrivate<Arg>` in public interface
 --> src/
1 |   pub(crate) trait FooPrivate<Arg> {
  |   ---------- `FooPrivate<Arg>` declared as crate-visible
5 | / pub trait Foo<Arg>: FooPrivate<Arg> {
6 | |
7 | | }
  | |_^ can't leak crate-visible trait

This pattern of making a public type effectively private by embedding it in a private module is called the “pub-in-priv trick”. This trick is also the foundation of the sealed traits pattern for exposing public traits that are only privately implementable.

This method is effective, albeit verbose. Of course, you must be careful to not publicly re-export FooPrivate from your crate. If Foo is a well-established trait and you intend for the addition of foo to be non-breaking, you may have a hard time convincing yourself that you can add a super-trait without breaking any downstream code.

Approach 2: Private Value Argument

Alternatively, we can add an effectively-private type as an argument to foo:

pub(crate) mod private {
    pub struct Local;

pub trait Foo<Arg> {

    fn foo(&self, arg: Arg, _: private::Local);

    /* other public methods */


Access to Local provides the capability to call foo. Consumers of our crate cannot call foo, because they cannot construct an instance of Local. Or can they?

Well, yes, they can. Again, if, you publicly leak a value to private::Local, e.g.:

pub const LOCAL: private::Local = private::Local;

…then downstream users can simply re-use that value to call foo!

And, regardless of how careful you are, a dash of unsafe renders foo callable:

Foo::foo(some_arg, unsafe { mem::zeroed!() })

Approach 3: Private Type Argument

Fortunately, we can do better. Rather than exploiting the uninstantiability of Local, we exploit the unnamability of Local and make it a type argument of foo:

pub(crate) mod private {
    // Once again, we introduce an effectively
    // private type to encode locality.
    // This time, we make it uninhabited so we
    // *cannot* accidentally leak it.
    pub enum Local {}

    // However, we pair it with a 'sealed' trait
    // that is *only* implemented for `Local`.
    pub trait IsLocal {}

    impl IsLocal for Local {}

pub trait Foo<Arg> {

    // The only `L` that renders `foo` callable is `Local`
    fn foo<L: private::IsLocal>(&self, arg: Arg);

    /* other public methods */

Now we can call foo from within our crate:


…but consumers of our crate cannot! Not even unsafely — there is no type-level equivalent to mem::zeroed() by which consumers can summon the name of Local. Or is there?


This time, there isn’t! Type inference, in principal, provides such a mechanism, but Rust does not perform full-program type inference — inference is limited to the bodies of functions. With this in mind, let’s try to exploit inference within function bodies to call CTF::ctf() in main:

pub mod crate_a {

    pub(self) mod private {
        pub enum Local {}

        pub trait IsLocal {}

        impl IsLocal for Local {}

    pub trait CTF {
        fn ctf<L: private::IsLocal>() {
            println!("You captured the flag!")

    impl CTF for usize {}

    // for this to work, we'll need to leak `Local`
    // by putting it into a public type signature.
    pub fn leak_local() -> private::Local {
        loop {}

fn main() {
    use crate_a::{CTF, leak_local};

    fn call_ctf<L, F: Fn() -> L>(f: F) {


This produces an error:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `L: crate_a::private::IsLocal` is not satisfied
  --> src/
12 |         fn ctf<L: private::IsLocal>() {
   |         ----------------------------- required by `crate_a::CTF::ctf`
29 |         usize::ctf::<L>()
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `crate_a::private::IsLocal` is not implemented for `L`
help: consider restricting type parameter `L`
28 |     fn call_ctf<L: crate_a::private::IsLocal, F: Fn() -> L>(f: F) {
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

We cannot apply this suggestion: IsLocal is effectively private! Of course, our use of the pub-in-priv trick means that its usual caveats apply: if we directly publicly re-export Local or IsLocal from crate_a (e.g., via pub use), ctf loses the guarantees it gained from relying on their privacy.

Use in the Wild

I recently used this technique in a PR removing unsafe from the typenum crate to add a private method to a long-public trait. I wanted my PR to preserve the public API surface of typenum (so no new public traits or methods!) and to be non-breaking. My caution about accidentally introducing any breaking changes dissuaded me from the first approach (i.e., a new private super-trait). The drawbacks of the second approach (cluttering of call-sites and that its protections can be bypassed with unsafe code) lead me to apply the third approach.

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